DTC143ZCA is an active NPN pre-biased transistor manufactured by Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. It has a maximum collector current (Ic) of 100mA and a maximum collector-emitter breakdown voltage of 50V. The transistor is designed with a resistor in the base (R1) of 4.7 kOhms and a resistor in the emitter-base (R2) path of 47 kOhms. It has a DC current gain (hFE) of 80 at 10mA and 5V. The Vce saturation is 300mV at 500µA base current and 10mA collector current. The transistor has a maximum collector cutoff current of 500nA and a transition frequency of 250 MHz. It can handle a maximum power of 200mW and is suitable for surface mount applications.